Friday, October 9, 2009

My Brother Clint's View on Obama

My brother Clint makes a pretty good argument about what our President has done. Read and enjoy.

"I am sorry for America and who we are. I am sorry I am the first half-black president in US history. I am sorry my wife Michelle is proud of her country for the first time in her adult life. I am sorry I cannot get the troops out of Iraq like I promised. I am sorry I increased the national debt by a trillion dollars that your grand kids will have to pay. I am sorry I called a white cop doing his job a racist. I am sorry I keep promoting tax cheats to my cabinet. I am sorry I scared the crap out of New Yorkers with my fly-by stunt to promote me. I am sorry I want to take money from hard working Americans and give it to those who do not work. I am sorry I sat in church with a hate monger for 20 years. I am sorry I had to denounce him to keep my popularity high. I am sorry i am not a good friend to him. I am sorry I cater to my worthless dad's heritage more than I do my white mother's hard working dedicated heritage. I am sorry I lied about my association with ACORN. I am sorry one of my czars called Republicans a-holes. I am sorry my safe schools czar did not report pedophilia and promotes homosexuality. I am sorry I needed to waste time to speak to the children of the schools when it is the parents' job to teach what was said. I am sorry that I had a beer summit to smooth over an overtly racial incident, all the while promoting drinking of alcohol to the children of the world. I am sorry I won't meet with the general of a war that must be fought to support him and our troops. I am sorry for not meeting with the Dalai Lama- he wasn't on my agenda. I am sorry that congress and I wants to act like Robin Hood and rob from the rich to give to the poor. I am sorry that I was chosen for an honor that is more befitting someone who has actually done something. I am sorry I was nominated for the award only 11 days after being sworn into office. I am sorry for bowing to a Saudi King and stating I was only shaking a shorter man's hand. I am sorry that I made Bill Clinton look like a hero by getting journalists released through preplanned negotiations. I am sorry that I go around the world on your dime to promote Me, Me, Me. I am sorry I would not wear an American Flag pennant on my lapel. I am sorry I would not place my hand over my heart during the pledge or the National Anthem. I am sorry I cannot think of anything else to apologize for- but will do so when the chance arises.

Yours truly-

President Barack Obama"


Alisa said...

That is very well put :-) Thanks for sharing!