Sunday, August 30, 2009

It rained on Friday and it rained today, Sunday. But yesterday.....Glorious! I went to the Sled Dog grocery store and bought a pack of hot dogs, buns and chips. Laura came down from Fairbanks and bought marshmallows and graham crackers. We loaded up the cars with Moody, Daniel, Andrew, Riley and Kelly and went out to 8 mile lake. We soon had a roaring fire, put hot dogs on a stick and filled out tummies with lots of goodies. When it got dark around 11, the show began. The northern lights gave us a nice show! Daniel had worked on whittling a stick for quite some time. Laura accidentally broke it while we were trying to take a picture. Andrew captured a classic look of uh-oh on my face. We laughed and laughed!! Too bad my picture doesn't convey how awesome the lights were.

Rutting Season

It's rutting season in Denali Park. You know what that means. Two egotistical male moose fighting for a piece of a female moose. On Thursday, it was a nice evening so I went into the park. The colors were beautiful! That was fulfilling enough for me, but on the way out, we saw lots of cars stopped. That means someone has seen something worth photographing! Sure enough, I climb out of the truck and there is a female moose on one side of the road, another female on the other side with a younger baby. So, I am trying to get that "National Geographic" shot, when all of the sudden, I hear a low, rumbling brrrrrrrrrrrrr. I instantly stood still, thinking the moose was just giving me a warning that I was too close. Then, hear another low, rumbling brrrrrrrrrr. Out of the right peripheral of my vision, I see movement. When I looked over my shoulder, this is what I saw. I know it is graphic to say, but I almost pooped my pants! But don't you worry. Once I got done saying swear words and getting closer to my truck, I was able to snap a picture. He was a big'un.